With all of the clubs floating around Denver, it can be hard to know which one to go to on a late night.
To help make the choice a little easier, CU Independent reporters made a guide for students that gives the scoop on Denver clubs. The three clubs reviewed this week are based on price, location, dress and atmosphere.
The Church
Open: Thursday through Saturday, 9 p.m to 2 a.m., Sunday at 9 p.m. to 12 a.m.
Thursday and Friday 18+
Saturday and Sunday 21+
Prices: It ranges between $10 and $15, depending on the night. Fridays are ladies night, and 21+ women get in free.
The first club on the list is The Church, located at 1160 Lincoln St. The three floors offer a variety of music, each with a different theme. The main floor is techno, the bottom is hip-hop and the top varies from night to night. The techno floor is pretty popular, but for mainstream pop music, the bottom floor gets quite a few people as well.
The night that The Church was reviewed happened to be Naughty School Girl Night. This theme was suitable for their normal clientele, but probably not for the typical CU student.
Just as a reminder, Saturday nights are “La Noche en La Catedral.” They have Latin music on all three floors.
While there were some peculiar people, they kept to themselves. This was the norm for The Church because most people stuck with the group they came with and didn’t mingle. For this reason, it is a good place to go with friends.
The Church is an old cathedral that looks like Hell took over and turned into a club. The stained glass windows have images of saints and holy people that watch while the clubbers get their groove on, which some students say is creepy.
“To be sincere, I felt weird in [The Church] and it was just different being in a former church that got turned into a club,” said Diego Rubio, a 18-year-old freshman biochemistry major.
One would think they have to be formal at a church but the normal attire for The Church is pretty casual. It’s ok to show up in jeans and a nice shirt, but plan on wearing flashy clothes if seeking special attention.
Club Vinyl
Open: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Thursday open at 10 p.m., 21+
Friday and Saturday 18+
Tuesday, Friday and Saturday open at 9 p.m.
Tuesday 21+
Prices: $20 cover charge except Thursday, ladies are in for free until 11 p.m.
Club Vinyl is located at 1082 Broadway, a short block from The Church. It has three different floors. The main floor has two bars, two dance mini-stages and a sitting area off to the side. The music on each floor depends on the night. On Sept. 26 the music was distributed as such, though it is likely to change depending upon the night.
The basement usually plays underground rap. It’s also where the older men line up to meet younger girls between the ages of 18 and 20. Being around this age makes dancing in the basement unpleasant. Girls should constantly be aware of their surroundings. It’s a good idea to bring a couple guys as a buffer from the drunk men. When walking to the bar for water, men will often grab girls’ arms aggressively and ask to dance.
“The worst thing is just sometimes it’s weird to dance with random girls and when you’re in a big crowd you get felt up sometimes. Also, of course all those creepy old people that try to bump and grind with the younger kids,” Rubio said.
For a different atmosphere, head to the rooftop. The roof is also a cooler temperature because it’s outdoors. For those that get tired, there are couches available for resting.
“Vinyl is my favorite because it has the rooftop, the best music and the atmosphere is good,” said Veronica Xiong, an 18-year-old freshman ethnic studies major. “The inside is also very nice and you feel comfortable.”
During the night of the review, the main floor played techno music and was less crowded, which doesn’t do well for dancing. The problem with Club Vinyl is that there are so many floors and not enough people to fill them.
Despite the somewhat negative aspects, Club Vinyl was one of the better clubs of the weekend. Good music and a big group to go with make Vinyl the perfect club outing.
“In terms of clubs I like Vinyl best in Denver,” said Taylor Torres, a 21-year-old junior majoring in communications and Spanish. “The cover is a little steep, but it’s one of the hotter places to club in Denver. I really like how they have different music playing on the different levels and the rooftop is very legit.”
Open: Thursdays: 18+ 9 p.m.
Deathwish Fridays (second Friday of every month): 18+
Dramadrag Fridays: 21+
Saturday, 9 p.m. 21+
Thursday, 18+, first 50 people are free, after $10
21+ free before 11p.m. after is $5
Dramadrag Friday, $10
Saturday, $2 from 9-10 p.m., $5 from 10-11 p.m, $10 after 11 p.m.
Tracks is one of the hottest gay clubs in Denver. The club offers many events and themes, including a night where drag queens perform on stage. For those who enjoy synthpop music, Tracks has Deathwish Fridays. This club is good for diversity and offers a range of events and music genres most everyone would enjoy.
There is only one floor at Tracks but two different rooms. Typically, there is a hip-hop room and an electronica mixed with current hits room.
The main room offers a stage and a cage where those who had enough courage could dance. The stage is sometimes occupied by drag queens putting on a performance. On the particular night the CU Independent went, they were performing as the Spice Girls to “Spice Up Your Life.”
The other room offers hip-hop music and it is not as crowded as the main room. It is a smaller room with less space to dance, but is not void of clubbers.
To cool off and step away from the heat, Tracks offers an outdoor area to sit and lounge.
Tracks is the ideal spot for ladies looking to avoid a night of awkward come-ons.
“Being a gay club primarily makes it a blast,” said Josh Rusan, an 18-year-old freshman MCD biology major. “Being an openly gay man makes going to a gay club really fun. Denver is just awesome and I love the vibe of downtown. The huge buildings, people everywhere and the general atmosphere.”
Look to the CU Independent again soon for reviews of more clubs in downtown Denver.
Contact CU Independent Staff Writers Lynda Hutchinson and Brigid Igoe at Lynda.Hutchinson@colorado.edu and Brigid.Igoe@colorado.edu.