The following is a student-written opinion piece intended to be published simultaneously at student newspapers across the nation.
Each year 14,000 people die senselessly from gun violence in the United States. A change needs to come. By Alexander Edwards
Beyond BoulderCampusNews
20 years later, Boulder community reflects on lessons learned from Columbine
by Carina Juligby Carina Julig20 years ago, 13 people lost their lives to gun violence. Today, students and faculty bear a new outlook on gun control and the legacy of shootings. By Carina Julig
Columbine High School has an unfortunate date in infamy, but its still a school that thousands attend. By Jake Mauff.
EditorialsOpinionOur Stance
Our Stance: Colorado needs more gun control, not less
by Emily McPeakby Emily McPeakThe Colorado state legislature shouldn’t pass the three irresponsible gun rights bills currently on its docket. By Emily McPeak