“Minari” is a slow-moving tale of Korean immigrants in Arkansas, filled with subtle realism and colorful family vignettes. By Izzy Fincher
“Boys State” exposes the flaws within our democratic system
by Ben Bermanby Ben Berman“Boys State” is a painful reminder of the flaws that run deep within the American electoral process. By Ben Berman
CU senior Steven Thai reflects on his passion for film and the success of his latest short “Safe.” By Isabella Fincher
A24’s new southern-drama, “Waves,” gives insight into unconventional family life via dynamic storytellling. By Altug Karakurt
A24 is hosting a free advanced screening of “WAVES” five days before the official release. By Altug Karakurt
EntertainmentTo Do
Oscar-winning entertainment company A24 to screen films at CU
by Izzy Fincherby Izzy FincherA24 will be promoting their films at CU Boulder with the next showing being “The Witch” on Oct. 30 in CHEM 140. By Isabella Fincher