Students voice their opinions regarding Amendment 44
Pot, weed, splim, ganja, cheeba, herb, Mary Jane, pakalolo, rope or kilter. Whatever the name, Colorado voters will decide in November if marijuana should be legalized under state law.
If passed, Amendment 44 will change the Colorado statutes so that it will be legal for adults 21 years of age and older to possess up to one ounce of marijuana. The drug would still be illegal under federal law.
This legislation does not give all marijuana offences a get-out-of-jail-free card. It will still be illegal to grow or sell marijuana. The open and public display, use or consumption of marijuana will not be made legal either. People will still be ticketed for driving under the influence of the drug.
We asked CU students to share their opinions regarding the amendment.
“I don’t care either way,” said Hanna Nichols, a senior history and political science major. “People should be able to do what they wish with their own bodies as long as it doesn’t hurt others.”
“I think it’s ridiculous,” said Jennifer Wagner, a junior history major. “It’s a drug and it shouldn’t be legal. People think it is less dangerous than alcohol but that just isn’t true.”
“I smoke pot,” junior history major Brooks Ferring said. “I wouldn’t smoke any more if it was legal but it will probably promote more people into getting high.”
“I don’t smoke now because I’m pregnant,” said Darcy Lewis, a junior anthropology and history major. “I do think that making it legal is a good idea.”
“I would use marijuana if it were legal,” senior history major Peter Fishman said.
“I don’t think it will benefit society,” said Neil Robertson, a junior political science major. “But since alcohol is legal, pot should be legal.”
“It isn’t a good idea,” said Liz Johnson a freshman integrated physiology major. “What’s the point? Everyone will go crazy if we make it legal.”
Many people on campus have definite opinions about the issue. Some, like Austin Storms, a freshman undeclared student, are apathetic.
“I’m not for or against it,” Storms said.
Tell us what you think. Send us a comment using the form.