Set in a 1960s, this modern adaptation of “Gallathea” featured vibrant costumes and hammed up comedy. By Izzy Fincher
Valentine’s day
Looking for a way to treat yourself and your loved ones this Valentine’s Day? We’ve got you covered with four delicious recipes. By the Arts Section
The CU Independent suggests ways to safely celebrate Valentine’s Day whether by yourself, with a lover or with friends. By Georgia Knoles
Jake Havoc: Overwhelmed with love and appreciation
by Jacob Newmanby Jacob Newman“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
Looking to show your love (or eat yourself into an all-natural sugar coma) for Valentine’s Day? We’ve got you covered with five vegan recipes.
CU BluffsOpinionSatire
CU Bluffs: A love letter to my zoom professor
by Vayle Lafehrby Vayle LafehrAs a student at Zoom University, I’ve grown a deep love for my professor. Thanks to Zoom, Valentine’s Day will finally be complete. By Vayle LaFehr.
Opinion: Valentine’s Day is not about love, at least not in the way it should be
by Vayle Lafehrby Vayle LafehrLove is gravely ignored every Feb. 14, not celebrated. Man-made, store-bought conceptions of love are an insult to human complexity. By Vayle Lafehr
Opinion: Valentine’s Day in other cultures shows the different expressions of love around the world
Valentine’s Day is celebrated in different ways all across the globe. By Valeria Fugate
Quit dressing for the party and start dressing for yourself! Thoughts on self-worth and girl power. By Julia Spadaro