Bradley will begin serving as Vice Chancellor on Monday with the Board of Regents’ approval. By Tory Lysik
Higher Education
If CU cared about your education, shouldn’t it show that by paying your instructors a livable wage? By Alex Wolf-Root
Shouldn’t CU make sure your teachers know how to teach? Right now, little regulates graduate student instructors. By Alex Wolf-Root
If you care about supporting higher education in general and at CU Boulder specifically, vote Yes on Prop CC. By Alex Wolf-Root
CampusCommunityNewsOn Campus
‘Future Forward’ talks evolution of work, higher education in digital age
by Tory Lysikby Tory LysikFuturist Heather McGowan explored the opportunities and challenges of the future of work in the digital age. By Tory Lysik
Campus consumerism distracts students from the pursuit of higher ed, making CU more of a brand than a university. By David Jarvis
Beyond BoulderCampusCommunityEventsNews
Heather Mac Donald claims identity is superficial, calls youth ‘narcissistic’
by Robert Tannby Robert TannConservative commentator Heather Mac Donald spoke out against universities prioritization of identity. By Robert Tann
What are you going to with that degree? And what do our answers tell us about ourselves and society as a whole? By Alex Wolf-Root
Colorado Democrat Cary Kennedy seeks to boost the state’s education platform in her campaign for governor. By Mia Gallegos
Beyond BoulderCampusNewsPolitics
Federal tax bill’s potential impact on higher education significant
by Lucy Haggardby Lucy HaggardAs the U.S. Senate debates the bill, it’s worth looking into the possible changes and impacts on student taxpayers. By Lucy Haggard