Stirling, the YouTuber “hip-hop violinist,” brought her epic fantasy album to life on her long-awaited Artemis Tour. By Izzy Fincher
Harry Potter
CU Boulder is bringing the magic of the popular Harry Potter fantasy series to Norlin Library on Friday. By Anna Haynes
Fans of the Harry Potter series come together at the University of Colorado to bring the sport of quidditch to life. By Griffin Rucker.
J.K. Rowling’s newly revealed metaphor for HIV in the Harry Potter series only serves to perpetuate stigma about the disease. By Carina Julig
A Harry Potter fan’s live reactions to one of the new short stories released to Kindle. By Anna Blanco
The newest Harry Potter book is too much of a stretch, even for devout ‘Potterhead,’ Anna Blanco.
“Harry who?” J.K. Rowling is taking her first steps outside the magical world of “Harry Potter” to give us a tale of Muggles and politics.
A chapter of students’ adolescent lives is one step closer to ending as Harry Potter goes on his most far-reaching and perhaps darkest journey yet.