As a way to help CU Independent photographers develop their skills, expand their creative approaches to photography and remain engaged during the COVID pandemic, the CUI’s Photo Editors have formed an assignment that is both fun and challenging. Each week, staff photojournalists are randomly given a topic or concept and it is then up to them to get a unique photo that represents that topic.
This is meant to be a challenge. The photographers can interpret the theme any way they wish as long as the photo relates to the topic. We challenge them to think outside the box and make our viewers contemplate the topic.
Each week, every photographer presents one photo. This week they photographed “light.” Their submissions are as follows:

The sun rises over Poudre Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. (Kevin Wu/CU Independent)

Light warps past a blue car. (Jackson Fox-Bland/CU Independent)

The shadow of two CU students is cast onto the sidewalk by the sun while walking to the C4C on Sept. 11th, 2020 (Jivan West/CU Independent)

The sun sets in a hazy sky over The Hill in Boulder (Marion Walmer/CU Independent)

The Boulder Theater sign shines bright as the streets of Boulder remain barren. With no live events due to COVID-19, the Boulder Theater showcases a special message for healthcare workers lighting up Pearl Street. (Kara Wagenknecht/CU Independent)

The sun on a book. Sep. 17, 2020 (Harry Fuller/CU Independent)

“All of the Lights” (Hunter Allen/CU Independent Photo Illustration)