The University of Colorado, Boulder Club Equestrian Team started off their season with a two-day competition in Parker, CO. Hosted by Denver University, the competition brought other Intercollegiate Horse Show Association teams from across the state and surrounding states to compete at Helicon Show Stables. The team for CU showed off their abilities in classes on the flat and over fences.

Members of the University of Colorado, Boulder club equestrian team prepare to unload horses from the trailer. Although the show was hosted by Denver University at Helicon Show Stables in Parker, Colorado, CU brought horses to be used in the competition. Oct. 25, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

Before showing at Helicon Show Stables, Mackenzie Davis, Amanda Heath, Haley Galligan and Paige Lucas put on show clothes that were donated to the team by The Riders Closet. A rider’s appearance is an important part of the competition; they are expected to wear a show shirt, show jacket, tan breeches, tall boots, gloves and a helmet. Oct. 25, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

University of Colorado senior Eleanor Hightower, president of the team, writes down the horses each competitor is riding during the show at Helicon Show Stables. Before the show starts, a representative from the team draws a horse’s name from a box to decide which horse each rider will be competing on. Riders go straight into the show ring without practicing on the horse they drew. Oct. 25, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

Team coach, Erin Mullane, discusses the course with Mattison Harllee and Kobain Radzat-Lockwood at the show hosted by Denver University at Helicon Show Stables in Parker, Colorado. Riders are judged on their form as they go over a series of jumps. Oct. 25, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

Paige Lucas, a CU senior, helps Mattie Harllee clean her boots. Looking clean and polished is essential in the show ring. Oct. 25, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

Senior and Vice President, Mackenzie Davis, goes over her jumping course one last time before entering the ring at Helicon Show Stables. Oct. 25, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

Hot Rod, Paige Lucas’ ride, attempts to buck her off after a jump. Sometimes it’s just the luck of the draw. Oct. 25, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

Coach Erin Mullane helps Amanda Heath put on her hairnets. Riders wear hairnets under their helmets to keep their hair under control and maintain a polished look. Oct. 25, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

Emily Koehn competes in the Open over fences on Breeze. Oct. 26, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

Team Vice President, Mackenzie Davis films Savannah Gates as she competes in a flat class. Oct. 26, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

Under a setting sun, Ula Lijouska shows off her skills in the walk trot canter flat class. Horse shows can sometimes be unpredictable with timing and can run well into the evening. Oct. 25, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)

After a long day of showing, team members help untack and groom the horses before loading them on the trailer to return home. Oct. 25, 2019. (Vyla Carter/ CU Independent)