Actor will be missed
He captured many students with his smile, charm, looks and work.
Heath Ledger’s unexpected passing at the age of 28 caught students off guard, shocked most fans and even brought some to tears.
“It is really sad; I would consider him one of the more serious actors,” said Katie Wataha, 19, a sophomore MCDB and history major. “It is depressing.”
The actor just finished working on the new Batman movie as the Joker and was working a new film, which has halted production due to the unexpected news.
“It is definitely a tragedy to the movie scene,” said Autumn Mittleider, 21, a junior psychology major.
The cause of death is still unknown after Wednesday’s autopsy. The most likely cause of death is drug overdose and more test results are expected to reveal the official cause of death within the next ten days.
“It is very intense,” said Amanda Bennett, 20, a junior psychology major.
Some of Ledger’s most popular movies include “Lords of Dogtown,” “Casanova,” “A Knight’s Tale,” “10 Things I Hate About You” and the highly discussed film, “Brokeback Mountain.”
Ledger will appear the Joker in “The Dark Knight”, which is expected to be released this summer and may be his last film that makes it to theaters.
“I wonder what (his death) says for the movie scene,” Bennett said.
To see the latest trailer of “The Dark Knight” with Ledger as the Joker, click here.
Some students are sad they will never get to see what else the actor was capable of.
“It was really sad to hear- and shocking,” said Julia Almond, 19, a freshman open-option major. “He was so young and talented; he was just peaking in his career.”
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