Already decked out your dorm room and still have some cash to blow? The Campus Press highlights a few shopping hot spots
Need a new outfit for the first day of classes? You don’t have to go far! Boulder has some of the best privately owned boutiques in Colorado and is also very selective about which name-brand stores are placed along its streets. From the Hill to Pearl St., you are bound to find what you are looking for, no matter what it may be.
Pearl St., set in the heart of downtown Boulder, is an open-air pedestrian mall that offers a very unique and interesting shopping experience. Along its four-block stretch, you can find everything from chain stores like The Body Shop, Urban Outfitters and Billabong, to privately owned shops such as Pitaya, as well as an array of restaurants, cart vendors, and street entertainers. The mall is lined with lush trees, beautiful flower gardens and benches, and is one of Boulder’s most popular landmarks.
“I usually go to Pearl when I want to go shopping, maybe to April Cornell,” said Laura Kehoe, a sophomore music major.
Pearl St. also offers a great array of shops located just off of the main mall, such as Chelsea, Sunneshine Couture Limited, and Common Era 2000, so don’t be afraid to explore.
American Apparel is another recent addition to the Pearl St. Mall. The company is built on a foundation of plain colored T-shirts, though American Apparel makes everything from socks and underwear to dresses and sweatshirts. The clothes have no logos and no ornamentation, and are meant to serve as core elements to a fashionable wardrobe.
“American Apparel is my favorite place to shop because all the clothes are made in the United States,” said Ashlee Gagstetter, a senior art history major.
The company also prides itself on its vertically integrated manufacturing; American Apparel’s clothes are made sweatshop-free and in a factory in Los Angeles, Calif.
Lush is a unique store on Pearl St. that offers natural cosmetics. This store features goods such as soaps and cosmetics that are completely handmade, and the atmosphere of the small space is very different than that of a typical department store counter.
Located right off of Pearl St. on Walnut St., The Ritz is your one-stop shop for costumes and unique outfits. This store offers a wide variety of wigs, costumes, make-up, dresses, Mardi Gras beads and even greeting cards, and is open year round.
The Hill is also a popular place for shopping. Besides the area’s many restaurants and CU-oriented gift stores, there are also great stores for clothing. The Fitter, for example, is a privately owned shop that sells seasonal clothing and accessories for men and women. There are also a number of small boutiques on the Hill that offer unique styles and brands for all seasons.
“I like Lola and Kabuki when I can afford it, they have the brands that I like,” said Kerrey Bogardus, a junior English major.
Whether you prefer the usual chain stores or more unique, privately owned boutiques, Boulder has got what you’re looking for.