As students prepare for spring break, the University of Colorado Boulder is adjusting the hours of…
spring break
The University of Colorado Boulders’ campus enters spring break. Many of its facilities will close or run on limited hours. By Celia Frazier
With the Provost’s announcement on Oct. 22 regarding spring break, many students’ hope for a brighter second semester has vanished. By Lauren de Leon
CU announces updated COVID response for spring semester including late start, January 14. By Mairead Brogan
With spring break right around the corner, let’s compare the most popular student destinations with your friend group!
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Arch Madness Photos: Spring Break in Utah
by Amy E. Lederby Amy E. LederBy James Bradbury:
Spring break images. -
By Megan Curry:
Spring break is over, and it feels like our lives are too. Let us help you bump the post spring break blues. -
Can’t afford to go Cabo or Vegas for spring break? Here are some ideas to get you off the couch so you actually do something with your week off in Boulder.
Get your groove on during spring break while staying safe.
By Megan Moran -
Spring break’s just around the corner and the weather’s finally behaving. Can you make it one more week?