The Boulder County District Attorney’s Office held an event distributing free gun locks and safes on Saturday, Sept. 16. By Greta Kerkhoff
king soopers shooting
Boulder hosts event to remember victims of 2021 King Soopers shooting
by Jessi Sachsby Jessi SachsOn the second anniversary of the King Soopers shooting, Boulder community members gathered to honor and remember the victims. By Jessi Sachs
Student government pushes for action on concealed carry at Board of Regents meeting
A history of bans on concealed carry on CU campuses from 1970-present and what that policy might look like in the future. By Isabella Hammond
It’s time to dismantle the NRA’s fear-based tactics and the misinformation about guns that divides our nation. By Izzy Fincher
Each year 14,000 people die senselessly from gun violence in the United States. A change needs to come. By Alexander Edwards