A guide on how to navigate winter break through uncertain weather and amidst a pandemic. By Haley Lauritzen
Opinion: Valentine’s Day in other cultures shows the different expressions of love around the world
Valentine’s Day is celebrated in different ways all across the globe. By Valeria Fugate
A closer look at why Halloween and other holidays have become an excuse for college kids to go crazy. By Kim Habicht
What does it really mean to “go home for the holidays”?
For the final episode of the semester the gang reviews “Creed,” “The Night Before” and “Mockingjay Part Two.”
A Gay in the LifeCollegeCollege LifeColumnsLifestyleOpinion
A Gay in the Life: How to handle family during the holidays
by Max Sendorby Max SendorNavigating the family at holidays can be difficult for LGBT peopl. By Max Sendor
EditorialsLetters to the EditorOpinion
Letter to the Editor: Halloween costumes belittle communities
Offensive costumes seen as humorous on Halloween are harming the minority communities they mock. By Maxwell Sendor
EntertainmentFront Page
Ways to celebrate a typical Saturday, or how to avoid 4/20
by Sarah Elseaby Sarah ElseaBy Sarah Elsea
Not everyone loves 4/20. Here are some ways to celebrate 4/20 for why it’s really awesome: for being a Saturday. -
By Elizabeth Hernandez
A nomad’s guide to feeling at home -
EntertainmentFront PageMusic
‘Tis the season to enjoy Sufjan Stevens’ new Christmas album
by Patrick Fortby Patrick FortBy Patrick Fort
Comprised of five discs spanning over three hours, “Silver and Gold” is a solid collection of Christmas tunes that stays true to Stevens’ avant-garde-esque style without scaring away your older relatives.