The University of Colorado Boulder announced Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, as the commencement speaker for…
commencement speaker
Governor Polis addresses challenges and future of class of 2023 at commencement ceremony
by Jessi Sachsby Jessi SachsOn May 11, the University of Colorado Boulder hosted its 2023 commencement ceremony on Folsom Field. By Jessi Sachs
On Friday, the University of Colorado Boulder announced Gov. Jared Polis will deliver the 2023 commencement speech. By Isabella Hammond
Following in-person cancellation, CU Boulder will now hold its May commencement ceremony online
After canceling its in-person ceremony at Folsom Field, CU Boulder has opted to hold its May commencement via livestream. By Noelle Videon
CU Boulder’s 2019 spring graduation commencement was met with wise words from NBC’s Savannah Sellers. By Valeria Fugate