“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
Jake Havoc: Overwhelmed with love and appreciation
by Jacob Newmanby Jacob Newman“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
You can thank this CU professor for the ancient Viking language in ‘Frozen’
by Izzy Fincherby Izzy FincherCU Professor Jackson Crawford, who translated the Old Norse runes for “Frozen 2,” shares his experience working for Disney. By Isabella Fincher