Bear Creek Apartments Building B located in Williams Village. Sept. 28, 2018. (Harry Palmer/CU Independent)
At around 11:30 a.m. the CU Boulder Police Department was notified of a possible armed robbery outside of the Bear Creek Appartments.
The victim reported meeting someone to whom they were selling their video game system when two suspects pulled a gun, stole the gaming system and left the scene in a gold or tan, 4-door, 1980s model sedan with damage to the front bumper. The victim described the suspects as a short Hispanic male with a grey sweatshirt and blue jeans and a Black male with a black mask and a hooded sweatshirt covering his head under a black puffy winter coat.
If you have any information about this crime CUPD urges you to contact them at (303) 492-6666 or report anonymously here.
Contact Breaking News Editor Mairead Brogan at mairead.brogan@colorado.edu.