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Who are we? Seniors. What do we want? Sleep.
As the second week of classes comes to an end, it’s nice to finally settle down into our roles as senior Buffs. But the pressure of our last year at CU and the stress and action of the beginning of the year has left us mentally and physically wiped out.
The chaos of the first day has ended, recruitment is beginning, freshmen have embraced their freedom and we are dead tired. As seniors, there is nothing that we haven’t experienced, which means many of us are already buckling down. This year is the final push, and we’re working hard to make it onto Folsom Field come spring.
“I’m taking 21 credit hours,” said 22-year-old senior neuroscience major Susie Schobe. “Even though I am taking a lot of classes, I’m doing okay with it.”
Although many of us are excited for spring to come, we know that this year may be the hardest one yet. As we say goodbye to our last summer vacation ever, we look forward to the future with excitement and trepidation. On the bright side, there should be no surprises this year. We’re experts in moving, we know how rent works, we don’t need a map of campus and we know that sleeping through class, sometimes, isn’t the way to go.
Some things never change; the first week of classes is always exciting. Moving into new places, seeing your friends after the summer break and getting back into the swing of things always brings an air of excitement to the campus. As we look back longingly to the warm days of summer vacation and wish, however futilely, that we could sleep in just one more hour, we know that all of our time and effort will pay off come spring semester.
21-year-old environmental studies major Jori Ryan couldn’t even stay awake long enough to make it to dinner last Friday night, even though she’d had a night out planned with her friends.
“I physically couldn’t get my body to move,” Ryan said. “Once I laid down, I was out for the whole night.”
So now what? We’re beginning week three. We’re all settled into new homes or are back in the old ones. Our class schedules are pretty much finalized, and our work schedules are falling into place as well. Soon it will all be over and totally worth it. So for now, fellow senior Buffs, keep calm and carry on. Things will soon settle down, the sleep will come and the good times will roll. This is our senior year so embrace it, but work hard. And hey, only eleven weeks until fall break.
Contact CU Independent Staff Writer Corie Thompson at Corie.thompson@colorado.edu.