A female CU student studying abroad in Chile, which was hit by an 8.8 magnitude earthquake early Saturday morning, who had initially been unaccounted for is now accounted for and safe, officials say.
Six students just arrived for the March 1 start of the program and all but one of them are living with host families and all have now been accounted for, said Larry Bell, CU director of international education.
The female student who was previously uaccounted for had not checked in since her program does not start until Monday, however according to a CU news release she has since contacted her mother through Skype and is safe.
According to the news release, “CU is also working to make contact with faculty working at the Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope, an observatory array east of San Pedro de Atacama in the high Andes region of northern Chile. The work to determine the status of faculty, post-doctoral researchers and graduate students was in progress on Saturday evening.”
Stay tuned to the CU Independent for more news.