After spending a short time at CU-Boulder, Billy Kanaly, a freshman open-option major, left to pursue his dreams and begin touring with Riverdance.
“I started Irish dancing 12 years ago when I saw Riverdance,” Kanaly said. “I’ve been wanting to join since.”
On taking time away from CU, Kanaly said his choice to follow his aspirations is clear.
“Everyone was completely supportive of it, even the counselors of the school,” Kanaly said.
Brad Kraemer, a 19-year-old engineering major and Kanaly’s roommate, said he too is happy to see Kanaly pursuing his goals.
“I thought it was a great opportunity for him since he may not even get the chance again,” Kraemer said.
Kanaly auditioned this summer for the dance director and left a strong impression, according to Julian Erskine, senior executive producer for Riverdance.
Kanaly was cast for the show starting this December, but has been selected to cover an injured dancer and is already starting to perform.
“Bill was the obvious candidate. We are delighted with his progress in the show so far,” Erskine said in a recent news release.
Kanaly said that while the experience has been amazing, it is also a lot of work.
“I have rehearsals everyday and eight to 10 performances a week,” Kanaly said.
Kanaly said he has considered the possibility of returning to CU next fall to major in environmental science. He is unsure of his future at Riverdance, but for now he is simply enjoying the time he has to tour.
“It depends on if there are any more job openings with Riverdance,” Kanaly said. “I might wait until after I graduate from college to continue touring, but for now I’m having a lot of fun traveling around the country and performing.”
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