A CUPD officer discovered three damaged trail signs along a dirt path out 500 yards east of the Bear Creek apartments, according to a police report.
The officer discovered the incident at about noon on Saturday, March 14. The officer found spray paint on all three signs.
In addition to spray paint, the third sign had approximately 35 holes that “most likely had been made by a 38 caliber or larger bullet,” according to the report. “To the west of the sign(s) are the Bear Creek apartments, almost directly in the most likely line of fire,” the report stated.
The officer could not find any information from passers-by or shell casings, and the case was closed.
A man robbed a Boulder Rite Aid at 4770 Baseline by passing an employee a note, according to the Boulder PD blotter.
According to the blotter, the suspect passed a note to an employee demanding oxycontin and stating that he had a gun.
“They were able to get away with pills,” police spokeswoman Sarah Huntley said. “I don’t believe that he ever actually showed the gun.”
When asked for a description of the suspect, Huntley said, “I don’t think we have one that we’re comfortable enough to release.” According to the blotter, the incident is still under investigation.
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