College is about new experiences, discovering yourself, and this little thing called school. When I graduate I want to have something to remember about my college experience, and not have my memories on commencement day flash before my eyes. That is why I plan to do these things before I graduate, and I will give you some suggestions too.
Number 1:
Take a class you want to take, for example a ballet class. Take something that you care about it makes it so much more enjoyable.
Number 2:
Join something that you are interested in. Starting rowing for the club team, save the environment, become political or play intramural dodge ball.
Number 3:
Try something new— you can skydive, eat an exotic meal, or just travel.
Number 4:
Do something only Colorado, or even Boulder, has to offer. Splash about in Boulder Reservoir, go skiing in Aspen or go check out the famous spots of Colorado — like the Stanley Hotel where “The Shining” was filmed perhaps.
Number 5:
Spend a wad of cash. As a college student you may not have a lot of money to spend, but you want to save some up and spend it on something you want or even an impulse buy. You may either feel surprisingly happy or terribly distraught, give it a minute and you will love it in the end.
Number 6:
Go somewhere you have always wanted to go. Try a restaurant that you have wanted to try but have been intimidated to, travel to where-ever-your-heart-desires-Ville or walk into that store that catches your eye every time I see it, and go in that time.
Number 7:
Meet someone famous. You may have to try a little harder for this one. Go to the concert of your favorite band or singer and wait, you will see them, ask for a photo or a John Hancock. Or also try going to Los Angeles or New York you are bound to run into someone famous there or if you have a special someone in mind tell them, they may surprise you and meet you. Or if that does not work, stalk them.
Number 8:
Do something for love or money, either way it is for personal gain. Think of something and go for it. For money: sell some of your clothes or jewelry to jewelry buyers in Kansas, or donate blood For love: donate some of your time, or do an anonymous good deed for the cute old lady across the way.
Number 9:
Go on a traditional spring break. Go to Cabo, or Florida if you want to be able to drink the water. Celebrate the college life, it only lasts four years.
Or maybe a little longer for some.
Number 10:
Go to The Sink on commencement day. This one cuts it close to before you graduate, but I want to go to the Sink on The Hill, and sign the ceiling and have a shot — or something to remain a legend in Boulder.
Contact Campus Press Staff Writer Zach Keller at