Microsoft lowers price, ups perks
Congratulations Microsoft and Xbox 360, you have won. Now I am not going to lie, I am huge fan of the Xbox 360. It is not that I don’t like the Playstation 3 or the Wii, because I do. They are both great systems.
The processing power in the Playstation 3 is phenomenal, and although the game library is climbing, it is still lacking heavy hitters.
The Wii is a great party hit. It is a lot of fun for about three hours, and then people realize that they spent $200 just to end up hitting their friends in the head with a Wii Remote. The same could be done much cheaper with cooking utensils or a blender, if you really want to get a point across.
The reason the 360 is winning the console wars, is because of game variety and price. What I find to be an awesome move on Microsoft’s part is lowering the 360’s price and including more stuff.
Not only can gamers get the console for less but they will also get two great games for free. For $350 gamers can get an Xbox 360 with “Forza Motorsport 2” and “Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.”
Normally when game manufacturers bundle games with consoles, they usually bundle one average game and one sports game, usually basketball. I don’t want to be offensive to sports game lovers, but I am not a fan. And who wants to play just average games?
The unique thing about Microsoft is that it is bundling an amazing sequel, “Forza Motorsport 2,” with what looks to me to be an average game. I have not played it, but I have played games for long enough to predict what it will be like. So we are half-winning, but with the price drop it evens out.
I don’t claim to be a video game fanatic anymore; in fact I play video games very little nowadays. For Halo 3 I borrowed an Xbox 360, so I don’t own one. Last year, my roommate had one so I’ve never really needed to own a 360. But, it is almost impossible for me to resist buying a 360 with the incentives being so good now.
So thanks Microsoft. Take more of my money. Sometimes I feel like I contradict myself, but if it entertains me for long enough, then so be it.
Jason Bartz is continually trying to break his addiction of caffeine and late night video game rampages when stuff is due. He can be contacted at