Walmart spoof pleases audiences
Mall-Mart, The Musical! entertains audience while setting a bold but subtle statement about big corporations.
The play attempts to make a statement about the corruption of corporations. The cast makes this point by using humor and music in an entertaining and amusing way.
With live music and humorous characters, the play puts you in a feel-good mood. Some audience members had a hard time catching their breaths from laughing so hard.
The cast did a great job of embellishing on their characters. Chad Neidt, who played Howard Kraft among other characters, did an incredible job of portraying the stereotypical businessman out for only himself.
Joe Von Bokern, who played Walter Samson, was so energetic and funny that it kept the audience laughing.
Webb Henderson, a senior finance major, said he liked how they called one of the character’s Walt Samson. It was a play on words of the founder of Wal-Mart Sam Walton.
“The play was surprising pretty good. Better than I thought it would be,” Henderson said.
The play speaks out to so many different audience members; even the CEO’s will have a chuckle.
Contact Campus Press Staff Writer Ilana Guttenberg at