CP gets the scoop on “loud” roommates
Having a little trouble studying for finals because your concentration and caffeine buzz keep falling victim to the sounds of your roommate and his or her lover moaning, sighing and slapping flesh on flesh?
Sure, a little hanky-panky in the night is never a bad thing. But when the noise escalates to something your roommate’s mom can hear, it’s hard to get the images – oh, the images – out of your head. A few brave CU students spoke on behalf on their roommate’s less-than-subtle lovemaking.
“Okay, so I thought maybe, yeah, sex can be loud when people get drunk – it happens, completely understandable with a roommate. I didn’t think something like that would happen so often,” said a sophomore psychology major who asked that his name be withheld.
A few students declined to give their names for fear of embarrassment for both them and their roommate.
“It’s so awkward when you have friends over (and) your roommate is getting it on with someone in the next room. You never get over stuff like that,” said junior religious studies major Chris Jones.
Most students suggested talking things over with your roommate beforehand in order to prevent awkward encounters. While sitting down and chatting about a stranger’s sex life can also be awkward, students said it was preferable to walking in on them one day.
“Hey, if someone is having loud sex, then they shouldn’t be embarrassed if you discuss it with them,” Jones said.
Other tips included making a policy of letting your roommate(s) know when you have someone over so that they can be prepared (this is where the ol’ sock-on-the-door trick comes in), and when worse comes to worse, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
Whatever you decide to do, make sure you’ve thought things out. Sex fueled by anger can be fun, but it can also land you in some trouble if you aren’t careful.
One student decided to take the “join ’em” route.
“I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I have had ‘sex wars’ with my roommate in order to make my point about how loud his sex got,” said a junior political science major who asked not to be identified. “In the end though, he had enough blackmail on me for years.”