“The Florida Project,” an A24 film from 2017, is a powerful depiction of poverty through the eyes of a child. By Leah Dinkin
Our natural inclination to help others in struggles against adversity, and the 2017 Hurricane Season showed just that. By Mitchell Milbauer
CandidatesElection 2016Election Day -- Nov. 8NewsPolitics
Breaking: Donald Trump wins Florida
by Emily McPeakby Emily McPeakCNN has called Florida for Donald Trump. By Emily McPeak
Cannon FodderColumnsColumnsFootballMen's Division IOpinionSports
Cannon Fodder: Midseason awards
by Cannon Caseyby Cannon CaseyHanding out midseason awards for Heisman, coach of the year and more. By Cannon Casey
President Obama wins the 2012 election with help from the swing states.
Front PageNews
Foreign policy, Middle East the focus of final presidential debate
by Annie Meltonby Annie MeltonObama and Romney debate for the last time at Lynn University in Florida