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Editor’s note: This opinion piece accompanies the piece Mother Nature: Please wash out 4/20, also published on April 20, 2009.
It’s just like gay marriage: if you don’t want one, don’t get one
There are approximately 136 buildings on campus (including housing), so if you don’t want to be a part of the 4/20 mob, you certainly could walk into any of those. In addition, there are several walkways, paths and communal areas around campus that you could hang out in.
There really is enough air for everyone
Every once in a while I get annoyed when I am walking on campus at 8 a.m. and cigarette smoke envelops my nostrils. I don’t like it one bit, so I can understand the sentiment that many feel during 4/20.
That being said, there is plenty of air for everyone. Move until you find some that smells better.
It is somebody’s holiday
If you are a CU student, you know you are one of 35,000. That means that we as a community are a blend of many different cultures, religions, mantras and ideas. Generally as a student body we try to not yuck others’ yums, and let the beautiful diversity of our campus flourish.
I don’t like seeing bloody fetuses, courtesy of the anti-abortionists on a beautiful spring day, but I suck it up.
The whole 4/20 “extravaganza” lasts for about an hour
At around 3:30 in the afternoon, people start to gather on Norlin, infesting the area with a plethora of tapestries, aviators and Frisbees. While the crowd itself is an overwhelming sight of bright colors, happy faces and of course, smoke, it really only lasts an hour. By 4:30, the crowd disintegrates into smaller traveling groups, which usually leave the field to get something to eat.
It’s a peaceful protest
The chancellor banned hula-hoops from this year’s celebration, so clearly all the possible dangerous scenarios have been thought of. What is the worst that can happen?
Let me put it in perspective for you:
Things that drunk people do in large groups:
-pee on things
-hurt themselves & everyone in a 2 mile radius
Things that high people do in large groups:
-sing grateful dead songs
-talk about space, inventions and ordering food.
It is a quick clean up
The good thing about 4/20 (if you have ever stayed for the entire hour) is that there is always an array of volunteers with bags, picking up after the crowd.
So if you really do not like the holiday, just go somewhere else for an hour — do laundry, math homework or update your facebook status about how pissed off you are. Then when you come back, everything will be back to normal.
Contact CU Independent Entertainment Editor Emily Sturges at