Denver residents will vote on Initiative 300 this May, a bill which protects the right to rest and eat in public spaces. By Bri Barnum
Opinion: Anti-net neutrality Congress members condemned nationwide; our freedoms, their bank accounts
Reddit and its users are angry about possibly losing net neutrality. You should be too! The battle for the net is on. By Chris Koehler
Our society has oppressed women through the patriarchy and re-enforced gender norms. It is time to fight back. By Carlisle Olsen
Felony disenfranchisement affects almost 6 million U.S. citizens and will unfortunately affect the outcome of this election. By Julia Spadaro
By Gabriel Larsen:
The right of CU students to carry concealed weapons on campus stands at the center of a political conflict. -
Despite excitement for “The Hobbit,” issues of animal rights must still be considered.
Front PageNewsPolitics
West Coast Civil Liberties College Tour exposes threats to constitutional rights
The West Coast Civil Liberties Tour is educating college students about the decline of civil liberties over the past decade