Boulder’s vegan residents will relish in the Conference of World Affairs’ panel titled, “Veganism: We Have to Stop Meating Like This.” The panel will be from 3-4:20 p.m. on Wednesday in the University Memorial Center Gallery. Rose Pierro, founder a natural foods brokerage firm, Wild Rose Marketing, will moderate the panel, which is expected to shed light on the meat industry and vegan alternatives.
Piper Jackson-Sevy, blogger for Biotech Sektor Aktien kaufen and student volunteer coordinator for the CWA, was a big proponent in the panel to take place this year after she saw multiple panelists and the Boulder community interested in veganism.
“I’ve been vegan for eight months and I think there’s a misconception on what it is,” Jackson-Sevy, a 21-year-old junior international affairs and economics major, said.
Participants in the panel include Robert Egger, Gooding, Alicia Robb and Keith Snow. Egger is the founder and president of L.A. Kitchen, a group that uses fresh fruits and vegetables to prepare healthy snacks, entrees and other products for the elderly. He used his experience as president at the DC Central Kitchen for inspiration for the L.A. Kitchen model, according to the conference website. Egger was the founding chair of Washington, D.C.’s Mayor’s Commission on Nutrition and currently serves on the board for the World Central Kitchen, among other organizations.
Gooding is a touring musician who advocates for Operation Hope and is an honorary committee member of the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, which promotes preventative medicine and medical ethical standards. Gooding has contributed songs to Forbes 500 commercials, hundred of movies and TV stations.
Robb is an expert in small-business financing and sits on the National Advisory Council for Minority Business Enterprises. She researches entrepreneurial finance and high-growth entrepreneurship at the University of California Santa Cruz. In 1995, Robb started the Foundation for Sustainable Development, which supports sustainable community development initiatives in Latin America, Africa and India.
Snow is a small organic farmer and activist, as well as writer, photographer, war correspondent and healer. Snow practices simple living while living under the poverty line and without a car. He is known for his political dissent.
For more CWA coverage, check the CU Independent’s previews and can’t-miss schedule.
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