Voting opens for all CU students on Monday, April 9 to elect next year’s student government officials.
Students can choose from 56 candidates representing five parties—Pulse, Empower, Entrust, Invest and Independent—to fill the positions of Leeds Council Representative, Engineering Council Representative-at-Large, Engineering Council Co-Senator, Arts and Sciences Student Government Representative-at-Large, CUSG Representative-at-Large and ASSG and CUSG executives.
Last year’s spring election brought in the highest-ever turnout, with a total of 10,407 votes. Candidates from all five parties will be on campus throughout election week to talk to students and present their campaigns.
You can vote by logging into MyCUInfo and clicking on the “Student” page. The ballot will be on the right hand side, directly above the university calendar.
Voting closes Friday, April 13 at 8 p.m., and the results of the election will be finalized on Sunday, May 6.
Contact CU Independent Breaking News Editor Annie Melton at