You know how in last week’s article I said running couldn’t help your grades? Well this week I didn’t fail a class because of running.
Let me set the scene: I’ve been awake for 32+ hours finishing and editing a paper, coffee is no use, food hasn’t been a priority since dinner the night before—basically I hate life. I’m in Armory working on said paper when I finish page 13 at 5:48 p.m. only to realize I can’t find the saved file on my computer. The paper is due at 6:00 p.m. and no late submissions will be accepted. Frantically, I search everything until 5:55 when I find it, and proceed to print it. At 5:56 I take off like my roommate whenever someone mentions Cheesecake Factory (and that’s fast) and I’m Hellems-bound.
I cover the half-mile distance in about three minutes and catch my teacher at the door at 6:00. I had so much adrenaline pumping in my veins for fear of failing and running so fast that I couldn’t sit through class. I immediately left for home. I couldn’t even stand at the bus stop because of all the energy, so I made the 20-minute walk home. Upon entering my place, I immediately got a beer to calm my nerves and counted my blessings.
If you pull all-nighters and maintain a generally unhealthy (typical) collegiate lifestyle, then here’s some advice on how to get in workouts/runs that will best suit your schedule and can be done at almost any time of the day.
The Stairmaster is one of the most brutal aerobic machines ever invented and will burn calories like no other. You also won’t put stress on most of your muscles. If you’re prone to shin splints or other injuries, this is a great alternative to running. The Rec Center is open most of the day, but usually becomes busy from 6-9 p.m., so take that into account if you’re planning on using the machines.
Spin class
A great way to get in some exercise and stay motivated is taking a spin class. Tons of guys [and girls] take these classes. I signed up for one freshman year because a cute girl in my dorm was doing it. That didn’t work out, but I did get a good workout. Plus, Dwight from the Office does it so why can’t you?
Late-night running
I went through a two-month phase where all my runs would take place between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. Stick to main roads such as Broadway, Baseline, Arapahoe and 30th; generally any areas you know well and are well-lit. Avoid wearing dark colors like black and, if you can, get a reflector vest.
The best way to stay in shape is getting in some exercise, even if it’s not the full amount you intended on. You’re better off doing 10-15 minutes on the Stairmaster at a high setting than nothing at all. If you can go running, or workout with a friend, then absolutely do it. Taking your mind off the tediousness of a run is crucial if you want to make it out alive.
Check back next Friday for more tips and tricks to staying in shape!
Contact CU Independent Managing Editor Adrian Kun at