Boulder police are warning CU students to take extra precautions due to a wave of burglaries near campus as students return from vacation.
“We did see an increase,” said Sarah Huntley, Boulder Police’s Public Information Officer.
There were multiple reports of burglary on Dec. 29 in southeast Boulder, including one report in the 5400 block of Omaha Place and two reports in the intersection of 55th Street and Genesee Court.
The increase in burglary at this time is not uncommon.
“Its not that unusual during break, particularly as students come back in town,” Huntley said. “Thieves pay attention to when students are in town and when they are not.”
The New Year continued the trend with a reported first-degree burglary of a home in the 1200 block of Gillaspie on Jan. 3. Residents reported to the police that two armed men entered the house, demanding drugs and money.
Three additional burglaries occurred on the Hill recently as well. Currently, there is no evidence connecting the Hill burglaries to the southeast Boulder thefts.
“Nothing suggests it is the same person,” Huntley said.
Each of these cases is currently under investigation and no arrests have been made.
According to Huntley, most thieves target laptops and electronic equipment. She urges students to be cautious when it comes to their possessions.
“We would encourage students when they are away to please make sure their doors are locked,” Huntley said. “Put lights on timers, which are relatively cheap. Consider bringing laptops with you. Get to know your neighbors and be a good neighbor so they will watch for any suspicious activity.”
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