No complaints filed against electronic voting system
UCSU officials say that the elections held last week using the online iVote system had none of the problems plaguing previous elections.
“As far as I know, there were no issues,” UCSU Public Relations Director Sally Ho said Tuesday after the results were in. “Everything went smoothly.”
Last spring, UCSU Tri-executive candidates Nelson Rowe and Kyle Alan Hawkins of the Hawkins and Homies ticket filed formal complaints to election officials, saying they had evidence of problems with the iVote system.
“The iVote system was messed up,” Rowe said in April. “There were a lot of people who couldn’t vote.”
Current UCSU Election Commissioner Sean Daly was unaware of these previously reported problems with the iVote system.
“This is the first I’ve heard of those issues,” Daly said. “I don’t know if iVote improved or not.”
According to Daly, the only problem he was aware of was with one particular voter. The student then went to the office and submitted a paper ballot.
Eric Van Maanen, a staff member at CU Information Technology Services, also doesn’t believe that there were any major problems with students trying to vote.
“Regarding the fall 2007 UCSU / ASSG Elections, there were no technical issues at all – the system worked as expected,” Van Maanen wrote in an e-mail.
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