With Super Tuesday around the corner, the CU Independent asked 170 University of Colorado Boulder students their thoughts on candidates, issues and more.

This survey was opened for one week, beginning Monday, Feb. 10 and ending Sunday, Feb. 16.

Scroll to see our results (best if viewed on desktop).

For the majority of respondents, this will be their first time voting in a presidential election.

Of the 170 students surveyed, over half identified as Democrat while nearly a third were Independents.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (D) blew past other top-tier candidates in terms of favorability. Entrepreneur Andrew Yang (D) garnered 3% and of responses and would have tied with Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar (D), but dropped out two days after the CUI’s survey opened after underperforming in New Hampshire.

Climate change garnered the highest number of responses when students were asked what issue was most important to them this election cycle.

While the majority of respondents said they would back their party’s nominee even if that person isn’t their first choice, nearly a third said it depends on who exactly is nominated. A small minority said they would not back their party’s nominee if it were someone different than their first choice.

Most respondents said they were politically active in some way with over 90% saying they have voted or plan to vote in a presidential election. Many also said they discuss politics with friends and/or family.

Note: This question allowed multiple responses.

Graphics and visualizations:

CU Independent Editor-in-Chief Robert Tann, robert.tann@colorado.edu.

Survey design:

CU Independent Managing Editor Anna Haynes, anna.haynes@colorado.edu.

Contributing reporters:

CU Independent Senior News Editor Tory Lysik, tory.lysik@colorado.edu.

CU Independent Breaking News Editor Noelle Videon, noelle.videon@colorado.edu.