As registration approaches, students discuss their favorite classes and professors in their time at CU.
According to CU’s Web site, registration for the spring semester of 2010 begins Monday for most students. Here’s a look at what teachers and classes students like the most.
Daniel Bianchi, a 20-year-old junior psychology major said that his favorite teacher so far has been psychology instructor Brett King.
“He is really interesting and funny,” Bianchi said. “He makes it easy to learn.”
Ruth Guan, 20-year-old junior psychology major also said that her favorite instructor has been King.
“He is really funny,” Guan said, “and it is an interesting subject.”
Courtlandt Trowbridge, a 23-year-old senior psychology major, said that his favorite classes so far have been behavior neuroscience and behavior neuropharmacology.
“[For behavior neuroscience] I like the labs and hands on stuff,” Trowbridge said. “I love to cut up frogs and be around drugs and rats.”
Trowbridge added that he likes Sondra Bland, a neuropharmacology professor.
“The information is in depth and cool,” Trowbridge said.
Jeanne Brown, coordinator of student services for the School of Journalism, said that magazine, feature writing, media, cultural policy and women and the media are some popular electives.
Brian Little, a 21-year-old junior broadcast production major said that his favorite class so far has ancient astronomies.
“It’s really easy and it fulfills the culture and gender diversity requirement,” Little said.
Donny Cho, a 20-year-old junior communication and film major said that his favorite class has been interpersonal relations in the communication major.
“It is a pretty small class,” Cho said, “and [Jennifer Malkowski] engages the class.”
He also said that Malkowski, a communication instructor, is funny and knows the material.
International affairs:
Anthony Cistone, a 19-year-old freshman international affairs major, said that his favorite class so far have been global issues and international affairs.
“It is intellectually challenging and rewarding,” Cistone said.
Camilo Florez, a sophomore 20-year-old international affairs major said that his favorite classes have been intro to film and intro to Latin American history.
“Both teachers are so great,” Florez said.
Dave Dziallo, a sophomore 19-year-old international affairs major said that Japanese has been his best class so far.
“ It’s annoying because it’s at 9 a.m.,” Dziallo said, “but the teacher [Minori Murata] is awesome.”
Business and finance:
Courtney Kalmbach, a 21-year-old senior double major in finance and Spanish said that her favorite class so far has been business solutions for global poverty.
“The class is hands on,” Kalmbach said. “It’s so great.”
She added that her favorite business instructor is Donna Sockell.
“[Her classes] are really challenging but you learn so much,” she said. “She is passionate and cares for students.”
As far as business classes go, Geoff Horsfall a 26-year-old M.B.A. candidate business, has enjoyed statistics with business instructor Kevin Schaub.
“He is well organized and the material is well presented,” Horsfall said. “He teaches interesting applications.”
Nikki Stoll, a 21-year old senior finance major said that her favorite class has been business law with instructor Susan Morley.
“She explains things very well,” Stoll said, “and makes it interesting.”
“He is well organized and the material is well presented,” Horsfall said. “He teaches interesting applications.”
Jay Miller, 29-year-old M.B.A. candidate business said that he enjoys classes with business instructor Bjorn Jorgensen.
“He is smart as hell,” Miller said, “and funny.”
For far as engineering classes go, David Hach, a 21-year-old junior environmental engineering student said that his favorite class was not an engineering class.
“I liked Deviance in U.S. society,” Hach said, “I liked [Patti Adler].”
Daniel Cortes, a 21-year-old senior architectural engineering major said that his favorite engineering instructor has been Sandra Vasconez.
“She was helpful and took time to meet,” Cortes said, “she is always available.”
Cortes also said that he liked class projects.
Director of Engineering Communications, Carol Rowe, seemed to agree with Cortes saying that the most popular engineering classes are the project classes.
“They are hands on and bring the skills to work,” Rowe said. “They design and build.”
Contact CU Independent Staff Writer Sara Juliet Fruman at